2019: Phoenix strikes back

Jai Guru Deva, I have stopped writing my yearly review for the last few years mostly because there was nothing special or worth writing. But 2019 is different. We are blessed with Samhith, i have a spiritual voyage and several other special events. On the down side, my grand mother passed away this year, Om Shanti. The month of January was the most challenging time for me and Sowmya as would be parents to a new member of our family. The doctor in Bangalore have scared us so much that we went to Hyderabad in the next available train. Till March first week which was the 9th month of pregnancy we were too scared to express. I was doing my sadhana only for a smooth delivery. Come march, with the grace of Veerabhadra Swamy we are blessed with Samhith. He was fine and healthy relieving me from anxiety. I have stayed in Hyderabad for several weeks to manage this whole thing. Sathvik went to school in Hyderabad for two monthsâș. For certain reasons i don't have much respect fo...