I am tired

Jai Guru Deva,

I am tired.

Work, Office, Team, Sathvik, Sowmya, Amma... I am tired. 

Anaytics, Market Share, Pricing, Strategy, Partners... I am tired.

Movies, Malls, Pizza, Outings, Shopping... I am tired.

No Ashram, No Books, No Stories, No blogging.. I am tired.

Yes, Seriously, I am tired.

Need to unwind, relax, reflect and re energize.. Not sure when that will happen but that is what I am looking forward. Need to visit a lot of places but that is happening. We are supposed to go to Srisailam after Sathvik Indrakanti is born but we didnt go in these 2.5 years. Cant say a particular reason but somehow that is not happening. Same way, I want to go to either Srilanka or the North East states of India for few days but it is also not happening. Sometimes leave problems, sometimes health issues (may be to Sathvik) and sometimes money issues. All said and done, my financial discipline non negotiable.

On the other hand, I want to make physical activity like gym or going out with Sathvik as part of my routine but I am not able to do that also. I must confess, I have become lazy! Lazyness is something I hated the most but today I have become lazy :( After my accident in 2013, I am not able to reduce the weight. My weight gone up to 85 after that accident and since then I am not able to come down to 75-78. This is another failure of mine.

This too shall pass!

And yes, I am tired. Seriously tired!

Sarvejana Sukhinobhavantu,


kiran said…
Hope this has passed!! :)

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