
This is karthikeya from IIT Kanpur. This is my first message and so I want to give my introduction. I hail from Kadapa in Andhra Pradesh. I completed my engineering in KSRM college of Engg, Kadapa. Regarding my habits I do meditate dialy and like to listen melodious songs. Now-a-days I am listening songs from Linkin Park and other Rocks as my close friend is a diehard fan of Rock. My favourite sites are eenadu.net, ndtv.com, wikipedia.org. Right from my childhood I motivated myself by observing the exceptional skills of people surrounding me. On 7/5/2K3 I joined a gifted institute called VijayKumar Institute of MegaMemory and Personality development(VIMP) in Kadapa. I always consider that as the turning point of my life. After joining the institute I found what I am capable of and started moving in that direction. I am always thankful to Mr G.J.Raju who is one of my role models for his priceless advice. There are some people in my life because of whom I reached this position. In my school days I was amazed by the excellence of Mr D. Subba Rao who gave my strong base in Mathematics. I was always indebted to Chandra sir who made me to get a seat in engg. In engg I was fortunate to meet people like Vijay Kumar sir & Subba Rao sir. As the former ignited the desire to achieve the latter gave strong technical inputs to satisfy my thirst of knowledge.I created this blog so as to share my feelings with all. For those who go through this blog plz feel free to drop your comments about my opinions.


Hi Karthikeya,

I am Venkat. How r u? I came across your blog when I was searching for the word "VIMP Kadapa" at Google.

Good to know that you acknowledge people behind your success.

I belong to VIMP's 81 batch. If you are still in touch with Vijay Kumar sir ask my name (MTV, my nick name).


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