
almost seven years back i was as usual playing cricket in the street(by bunking the school). the captain of the other team said that "i'll take balu" referring 2 a kid of 4th class. my team captain responded with a similar dialogue "i'll take this balu" showing a guy looking a bit fat with sharp eyes and serious face. i never knew that this guy is going to be come my pal soon. the same guy roamed with me for next six years and presently doing Mtech(VLSI design) at NIT Trichy. the only thing most of the time we did was talking 2 each other till we completed Btech. i never thought that he 'll do engg along with me coz he had better chances and i was sure that both of us can do Mtech at same place. but none of them happnd. we did engg together and moved away for Mtech. thats life!!! whenever i think of balu i recall the many evenings which we used to stay with each other. we used laugh like anything making fun of all the things around us. one incident which both of us cant forget is the cyclechain incident infront of the RTC bus stand. this turned me into a popular figure in the junior college. he is going to turn 24 coming tuesday. in the present situation i cannot wish him happy B'day directly(my mob not working. he dont 've a contact number). so i want to wish him happy birthday through this blog. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY Balu..


ravi shankar said…
Good way of wishing a happy bday..
Many Many Happy Returns of the day..balu....Meri tharfse....

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