Joke of 21st century

Here is the joke of 21st Century:


Yes!! Its true. Obama got the prize for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".

Now lets go back to basics and see what is the intention behind Nobel Peace prize. According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize should be awarded "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."

I very much appreciate Obama's road map for recalling the American army from Iraq by 2012 but at the same time nothing much has been done in that direction.

Below is Obama's election manifesto and lets recall the actions Obama took in the directions mentioned.

1.Secure loose nuclear materials from terrorists
Culprits like Abdul Khadir Khan are free and rogue states like Pakistan are trading nuke arms. No improvement.

2.Barack Obama will pursue tough, direct diplomacy without preconditions to end the threat from Iran
Iran is very much the same old adamant Jew hating nation as before and despite some dialogue no improvement is seen. Iran's premier still denies to recognize Israel and Israel talks of attack on Tehran every other day.
No improvement.

3.Renew American diplomacy
This statement itself is ambiguous. If history has taught the world anything it is that American Govt never bothered about others and what mattered to them is their OWN interests. This scenario has not changed as America could hardly do anything in controlling Pakistan's spending in anti India propaganda.

4.Encourage political accommodation in Iraq
Did anyone heard about the president/prime minister of Iraq after Saddam's demise? Atleast I didnt. I read two news paper every day and could not find any news about the Iraqi leadership. Pentagon is more active than the Iraqi officials.
No improvement.

I personally feel its a shame to Nobel committee. Even Adolf Hitler,Joesph Stalin and Benito Mussolini also got nominated for Nobel peace prize. So waht would committe do if Obama proves to be the Hitler of 21st century or a Stalin of new millennium?
The stature of Obama will raise much higher level if he humbly rejects the peace prize but as my colleague was saying if he wants to "enjoy" the prize then it will back fire.

On a whole it seems that Obama got award for endorsing muslims. if that is true in India there are many politicians who praise muslims before the elections. So each one of the should get Nobel peace prize. May be Nobel committee would go bankrupt giving prizes to so many people :) :)
So my request to International media is to enough coverage to all these "would be Nobel Peace Laureates"
If talking about Gandhi and Luther king is the condition for Nobel peace prize in that case many Indians should get it at once. There are many politicians who do all the bandhs and strikes in Gandhian, peaceful ways.

sarvejana sukhinobhavantu


things mentioned in italics are collected from Wikipedia and ibnlive.


మేధ said…
>>if that is true in India there are many politicians who praise muslims before the elections. So each one of the should get Nobel peace prize. May be Nobel committee would go bankrupt giving prizes to so many people

I vote for YSR in this regard...
Lets start a campaign for YSR ;)

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