Naada Vaibhavam!!!

"Miracle", "8th Wonder", "Fantabulous", "Amazing"

All the above words combined will not suffice to explain the feeling with which I'm writing this post.. 

A day of Bliss,
A day of Eternal joy
A day of Completeness
A day of Music
Finally, A day of Divinity

Ladies and  Gentlemen, thats "Naada Vaibhavam"

For some experiences we wait for weeks, for some experiences we wait for months. Believe me, for this experience I have waited for few carnations..Some experiences are better unexplained, it is one such.. thats the least I can say about it..

the thought of 5000 musicians is always exciting(in the end we had 5700+).. but the grace took me into such a state that I'm unaware of my emotions.. All I remember is the tears in my eyes when they started singing the Annamacharya Keertana.. Dont know what had actually happened to me but I felt so full and complete as if I'm at the top of the world.. Yes, I'm sure "I WAS AT  THE TOP OF THE WORLD"

here is the list of the songs which were sung that day:

1. Manasa Sancharare: My mom say its a Telugu song, someone say its not, whatever  it may be  it was just unbelievable
2. Song written by Syama Sastry: Its a Tamil song and I dont know the lyrics..
3. Nagumomu kanare: Telugu song written Tyagaraaja Swamy
4. Mrundangam by two musicians: What is this exercise called?? someone told Dhanuratam or something but I dont remember properly..
5. Krishnam Vande
6. Durga Song by Chitra amma
7. One Purandhara Das Keertana
8. Muddu gare Yashoda: Annamayya keertana
9. Raghupati Raghava Rajaram

yes! I did miss one song as the total was ten songs but forgive me guys.. A person at the top of the world is prone to forget few things :P

Sarvejana Sukhinobhavantu

(My next post will be about our tour and few interesting points regarding the slow walkers brigade :))


vinod said…
Hey Karthik... nice one ... have a happy time writing...

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