Awesome article!!

just now went through an article in DAWN news paper.. this is rather the best media group from Pakistan.. though there is a lot of stuff against india in general and hindus in particular, some columnists write great articles. one such is this written by Adnan Rehmat.. you can find the full article here..

few paragraphs are just amazing.. i wish some of those hot headed Pakistani policy makers heed this..

"If 9/11 (New York) was the moment America and 27/11 (Mumbai) that India changed forever, 2/5 (Abbottabad) could be Pakistan’s crossroads of opportunity to likewise choose the path of being a state that protects its own people by fighting terrorism unconditionally. Sovereignty is not about nurturing dubious proxies to fight your wars but to fight against the instinct to do so. The real violation of sovereignty is the imbalance in receiving foreign aid flows in-country and then not accounting for it. It is the civil-military imbalance within Pakistan that has distorted the nature of civil society and crippled the economy, thus opening up the space for non-state actors and terrorists to appropriate the sovereignty by propelling the country into a suicidal conflict with America and India instead of forces like al Qaeda and Taliban that espouse violence and extremism."

another one:

"The only way to protect Pakistan against threats, perceived and unperceived, is to build trust, peace, trade and interdependence with India, Afghanistan and Iran and key global allies like America and Europe that have deep interest in the region’s stability. Safety and protection will not come from the military’s policy of paranoia to serve in ‘national interest’ which forces the unwilling country to weaken or leverage regional and international players by internal and external state and non-state provocations."

this paragraph is true not only for pakistan but for all the remaining countries in subcontinent.. its high time that the countries in these subcontinental neighbours understand that poverty, illetaracy and religious fanaticism are bigger problems than other countries..  lets go for a quick stat! whole of subcontinent amounts to around 130 crores of population.. and the average literacy rate is less than 30% which effectively means you have 100crores of uneducated junta here.. what bigger problem does the governements needs to unite against?? In order to fight the likes of Saron and Nazgul an understanding between Theodens and Gondar proved to be decisive :-) 

 Sarvejana Sukhinobhavantu


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