Home Alone 2 :))

Jai Guru Deva

I dont know when was the last time I had stayed alone in my home probably before 2010. Because after that there was always someone with me at my home, firstly my friends and then after marriage, my wife. Staying alone has its own set of advantages and setbacks. The biggest advantage i always found was the liberty, opportunity and possibility to read a book. Not everyday that one have all the above mentioned ingredients. Right now, I'm keenly waiting to read the book written by my co-blogger Bulusu Subrahmanyam garu. Being an ardent fan of him its always a pleasure reading his writings. Healthy humor is a rare find these days.

Other things that I wanted to do are my silence courses. My body needs physical/mental/emotional rest and silence is the best thing to get all these. My fascination towards silence has only increased as I face more and more challenges in my everyday life. I had just shifted my house and yet to set up in the new place. Believe me, house shifting is by far the most tiresome experience for me and I did that twice in the last six months. Apart from advance course I wanted to do my blessing course. YES! I want to be a blesser and I want the rest of my life in that path. Being a blesser is not a joke as it mandates a lot of sadhana and life style changes, yet I want to be that. Because thats perhaps the best way I can contribute to people around me. In the recent past there were several instances when I wished I am a blesser. Even last fortnight when I gave blood to someone, only I know how much I wanted to bless that boy. After all I have seen several miracles happening through blessing. On a personal front, I want my smile back and probably silence course will do that for me. Not sure when was the last time I had smiled 50+ times in my day. I am confident that I can  re-invent such days.

In 2014, I had not taken any leave of more than 2days. It was the same case in 2013 and its getting repeated again. phew!! Work pressure is not new for me, but this is crazy.  I lead four major projects and one of them is taking a toll on my life. Its not pressure its BURDEN! its like fighting a war knowing that you are going to lose and yet giving your best as you cant turn away from the battle. :(( Over the weekend, when I met my sister she said I became black. I replied that its because I probably lost my glow with too much of this non sense burden. Actually this is the year when I became a Program Manager and it is supposedly a better year. As of now, I cant say how much of better this year is. Probably year end would be a correct time to review.

Sarvejana Sukhinohavantu,


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