My interaction with SECRET!!!

I dont know how many around have heard about this "Theory of Attraction" popularly known as the Secret.. According to this theory the more you think about something the more you attract it into your life.. either wanting something or not wanting something, what ever your mind ponders about will manifest in reality.. It has been almost three years since I first heard this theory and as usual didnt believe it at the first go.. Everything I listen to should undergo a scanner called  "My Logical Reasoning".. Because I dont believe anything beyond my Logical reasoning; GOD is the only exception.. however, after a series of dramatic instances which left me as a loser plagued with pain and insomnia I started giving this theory a try.. At that point of time I have tried quite a bunch of methods to grant myself a sound sleep.. Sound sleep was a rare occasion those days.. (Even my worst enemies dont deserve such a life).. people like Shushmakka, Ravi etc can vouch for all those things that I went through!!

one day I have accidentally downloaded a guided meditation based on this theory of attraction and tried that for few days.. At the first attempt itself I realized that its taking me into deep silence that I am longing for.. Also, guided meditations are something which I like because of their simplicity.. After that I was practicing that meditation till date and almost all problems that I was encountering faded away.. My quality of sleep increased by many leaps.. It increased my awareness about my own thoughts which helped me to surpass negative instincts like anger and hatred.. After sometime of practicing this meditation I got the opportunity of doing YES+ course of Art Of Living.. As the Law of Attraction say "World will come for your rescue", Shushmakka came to know about the course into which she pushed me and rest is two years of celebrating my life.. YES! Life itself is a celebration.. you dont need any other super human reason..
From Ugadi 2010 to Ugadi 2011, I got angry only once.. this never implies I didnt do anything new or risky.. Along with few friends we ventured a new company which was a big failure.. My sister got operated two times in a span of 40days.. at that time I practically lived in a hospital for a few days.. Above all, a dear friend of mine was at the verge of suicide which eventually ended on a positive note.. despite all these things nothing could hamper my smile and it seems nothing can!
I am very clear about two things: 1. All my needs are taken care of.. 2. Me worrying about anything will only end up in more worries.. and that is what the secret is all about!!

b/n its a long time I wrote about Shushmakka, she is the strongest lady I can ever imagine and a perpetual source of strength for a feeble like me.. In short "MY SISTER STRONGEST".. here is an old post of this blog explaining one of our adventures.. Both of us are thoroughly convinced that this bond is existing for many carnations..
And about Ravi, Ravi means Ravi Shankar Duvvuru.. A True Saikorean and a great fighter.. Together we share quite a lot of cherish-able memories.. He is always the first person to wish me on my birthday.. 

Zindagi Rocks!!!

Sarvejana Sukhinobhavantu


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