Financial Planning tips for bachelors!!!
Well well well... Before I jump into the topic let me draw your attention to our perception about money.. Here I'm putting some of the common ideas we have about "money".. 1. Someone is "Filthy rich", "Stinkingly rich".. 2. Being rich implies being corrupt.. 3. To become rich one needs to comprimise ethics/morals.. 4. Those who are rich dont know what is humility. and the list goes on.. All these ideas are put into our head either by our parents/elders or by movies we watch.. our hero with a strong character can never hail from a rich household.. He should study in governement schools, drink tap water to fill his stomach, then grows up working hard only to impress the dumbest of girls called "Heroin".. Having grown up watching such movies its no wonder we have negative perception about having huge bank balances or even thinking about them.. we are afraid to say that we aspire to earn big money.. because we know people will call us ...