I'm busy because .....................

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen!
As always, my life is eventful as ever; Anyways let me announce the big news of this year:

With the eternal grace of the God and the infinite affection of my well wishers I'm entering into the next stage of my life.. from being nurtured to have to nurture.. from person to family.. from boy to man..

I'm sure the journey is scheduled to go through many of those unknown shores with only one life line called "faith". There are many definitions for this word "faith" but my favorite one is " He knows what is right!!".. I had/have faith in Him and He is taking care of everything.. 

Its dramatic yet so subtle;
Its emotional yet so relaxed;
Its exciting yet so tranquil;

b/n I successfully crossed almost 4.5 years of bachelor life and thats WOW.. I'm feeling so happy about my life and want to thank everybody for contributing so much to me.. I'm happy because I made most of my life in these years.. I have under went every possible emotion and thats really a gr8 enriching experience.. I dont know the reason but I'm feeling so full and emotional for the last couple of days.. Even when I went to Tirupati yday, I was thinking about many of those who strangely came into my life and contributed to me.. who are treating me like their family members.. and also few people who left me as they found junk in me, thanks to them. Because, that gave me an opportunity to overcome a lot of negative emotions inside me.. More importantly they taught me few lessons in patience by testing it till the last inch; I respect whatever their choice is!! Just wanted to paste this quote:

  "When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anybody who leaves you, and it doesn't mean that they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."

yes, every moment is a part of bigger journey where only some people have their roles to play and at some point or the other everybody have to leave the stage.. some voluntary and some by force..so be it!!

p.s: there will not be any posts in this blog till Dec 1st week. 

Sarvejana Sukhinobhavantu,



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