2019: Phoenix strikes back

Jai Guru Deva,
I have stopped writing my yearly review for the last few years mostly because there was nothing special or worth writing. But 2019 is different. We are blessed with Samhith, i have a spiritual voyage and several other special events. On the down side, my grand mother passed away this year, Om Shanti.

The month of January was the most challenging time for me and Sowmya as would be parents to a new member of our family. The doctor in Bangalore have scared us so much that we went to Hyderabad in the next available train. Till March first week which was the 9th month of pregnancy we were too scared to express. I was doing my sadhana only for a smooth delivery.
Come march, with the grace of Veerabhadra Swamy we are blessed with Samhith. He was fine and healthy relieving me from anxiety. I have stayed in Hyderabad for several weeks to manage this whole thing. Sathvik went to school in Hyderabad for two months☺. For certain reasons i don't have much respect for Hyderabad. Its a great tragedy that both my kids are born in that city. That's life!!
After a few days of birth, Samhith got jaundice and got admitted to hospital and was kept in ICU for few hours. During that time there was some emergency in office and i was working. During that day only my mother had slipped and fallen coming out of railway station. It was several days before i could attend her. Such is life, deal with it.
In the month of May i went to Tiruvannamalai along with my friends in office. Never imagined the trip would be so great. First time me and my sister planned to go there was in 2001-02 but couldn't go due to financial constraints. Second time i wanted to visit Tiruvannamalai was in 2008 as I made a mess out of my life. I take complete ownership of whatever pain I went through. Till today I have not blamed or bad mouthed any other individual about my trauma of those dark days. Sometimes I feel proud of myself about this :P
Anyway, visiting Tiruvannamalai was a divine order for me. I thoroughly enjoyed th Giri Pradakshinam, chanted panchakshari mantram 108 times in each of the temples on the way, went to darshan two times in 12 hours. What else can i ask for?
On May 19th Sowmya and kids came back to Bangalore and life took a major turn since then.. Mr. samhith Indrakanti(un named then) became the previleged person of the house and is enjoying himself with all possible tantrums. Poor Sathvik is forced to play second fiddle to more naughty younger brother.
All along things in office were going perfectly smooth and i was at my best as an individual/team. On September 30th, news of a reorganization came out and last three months had been one bumpy ride with uncertainty and chaos. One day i really felt let down by HP. This is not the HP culture I feel proud about. But such is the speed of life that it doesn't wait for anyone's sorrow. I'm really praying tbat all this reorg will end in a positive note fkr us.
My grandmother passed away on 19th October. She was 93 and lived a complete life Om Shanti. Because of this we haven't done naming ceremony for Samhith, not sure how he will react once he grows up.
Come November, one of the work that i have done was presented to HPs top management and its a huge success. I rate 2003-05 as my best years of life (2008 and 2012 as worst). In 2019, i had once again reached my efficiency levels of 2003-05.
My achievements:.
1. Completed roughly 2M steps
2. Met financial targets
3. Visited Tiruvannamalai and Amaravati temples. Om Namah Shivaya
4. Played shuttle with 90% consistency
Can't ask for a better year and thank the Almighty for the same.
Sarvejana Sukhinobhavantu,.


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