financial mgt..
by keeping this title i'm not referring to the financial issues a person involved but i 'm mentioning about the course which i did this semester. this was taught to us by Dr.phani covering a vast domian of syllabus. this was and this will be the toughest course for me in IITK. when course started which BEA i thought that it 'll be a cake walk to me as i've got exposure to those concepts in btech. as the time passed on the course turned to be more case oriented. as i'm pasionate about cases i enjoyed doing them. but the real problem was the first midsem. i thought that i did very well and expected good marks but in practical i managed very meagre marks. i found my mistakes and worked to overcome them. then a catastrophe came by name of bond evaluation. this has the base of time value of money. as i did time value of money i thought i can do better in the next mid. but i'm proved to be totally wrong. i onceagain ended with a score less than the average. this time...