infamous cycle chain

five years back late in the evening i was coming from the world famous eamcet coaching center from kadapa coined as Chandra coaching center, buddies like balu, raja sekhar etc were there along with me. as i crossed the RTC bus-stand i found my college girls staring at each other. basically they used 2 leave well ahead of us so as to reach the home as early as possible. coz of our pricipal's "effect" we nevr used 2 talk with the girls so we were abt to cross them. one girl who is the sisiter of my fren asked me to place the "cycle chain" properly. i thought it was her cycle that troubled so i got down. later i found that it is one of the uncorrectable mistake of mine in that year. as i reached them she showed a cycle and i tried to replace the chain properly. but destiny has something else for me so i failed to replace the chain. shameful fact here is that i am riding bycycle from my 6th standard.i tried to do it again. none of our batch mates turned to me. at that time. balu almost reached sivalayam. i failed to do that work in my second attempt also. fortunately for that girl and unfortunately for me another person of my class came there and placed the chain in a split of a second!!! i jus stared at him for few moments with astonishment. after completing the work that guy moved immediately. i was jus talking with her how the chain got displaced. at this critical time charecters like balu and rajsekhar entered the scene. knowing them very well i moved from there immediately but the loss had already occurred. they had observed me talking with the girl and concluded that its myself who placed the cycle chain. next moring as i eneterd into the class balu shouted "karthik.. is ur cycle chain in place?" and all of the class laughed at me. knowing the reason well i joined the party. after that they had a lot of fun with me and made hell out of me. balu is the main cause of that propaganda and i took the revenge on him using the same incident in a different manner.
referring of this incident in my last update created a lot of curiosity in my buddies so i thought to keep this in my blog.


ravi shankar said…
hai dude....
naa janyam dhanyamaindhi..nee cycle chain incident vini...
thanx for sharing...
hotha rehta hai yaar...

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