MAY: The Month of moments

what a month it has been!! simply amazing things happened in a span of this 31 days.. many things which I felt were impossible came true both in a positive way and also in a negative way.. overall a dream is going on in my life..
In the first week my parents, sister and my newly born, yet to be named niece came to bangalore. I always thought my house would not be sufficient if my parents come here but I just dont know how it happened but it was more than enough.. in the three weeks of time when they were here at no point of time that we felt like a conjusted house.. It is in this three weeks time that my sister got operated once again.. its her second operation in a span of 40 days.. however it gave me a chance to realise my potential as I had to stay in the hospital as well as attend the office.. somehow at no point of time I felt tiresome.. may be thats what they call "GRACE"
In the second week Guruji's birthday was there and we celebrated it well.. I personally took responsibility for few of the plants and now committed to the well being of those plants. I dont consider this as an act of philanthropy or something because EOD Bangalore belongs to me NAMMA BENGALURU. In this week there a happened a great satsang by Rishiji.. this was at whitefiled organised by AOL whitefield.. and boyyy.. that was just unbelievable, the flow of energy i experienced there was just amazing.. I felt like going mad that day.. Kudos to team AOL WhiteField.
And then came by birthday.. the best birthday of mine till date.. all through the day my mobile was busy either with the calls or with messages.. the best part being my old  friends calling me after some years.. that was always a gr8 feeling and as always ravi was the first caller at 0000hrs.. that day I had cut the cake which my mother personally went and purchased.. thats something really special for me.. because my mom hradly know any shop in here.. Divine preparation was so great that my sister completed her TTC and became an art of living teacher that day itself.. thats icing the cake for me..
The last week was also good as I actively started working in the new job.. however this week was marred by a couple of untoward incidents one is the gun shot at ashram.. ashram is such a serene place with so much of divine energy and yet such a thing happened!! i'm completely puzzled.. I reached ashram a little later than the incident and surprisingly everything was perfect and as usual.. in fact no one knew that such a thing happened untill Guruji announced to us at 8:45PM..
the other happened was me losing my sweet mobile.. I belive my maid has taken it away.. however now I lost 8K one.. its not about the money but it subconciously makes me to look at the maid/servants through a filter called "DOUBT".. I will try my best to be aware and not fall into such mind traps..

On the financial front May is the month where I took a real beating.. Barring my sister's wedding I never spent so much of money in a ftile way.. I almost spent 50K for all unexpected and untimely happenings..

Overall, I learnt a lot and hope to implement them in future..

Sarvejana Sukhinobhavantu..

PS: As I lost my mobile I request junta to mail me their contact numbers..


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